mittel & Naturbusen
Naturbusen & mittel
London, United Kingdom, Europe, Worldwide
Daria Enjoys: A level(+100), CIM(+50), CIF(+50), COB, Snowballing(+50), DFK, FK, OWO, Party Girl, Couples(+100), Light Domination Few words for Daria: She’s a slight mass of contradictions - utterl
Daria Enjoys: A level(+100), CIM(+50), CIF(+50), COB, Snowballing(+50), DFK, FK, OWO, Party Girl, Couples(+100), Light Domination Few words for Daria: She’s a slight mass of contradictions - utterly juvenile at times while maintaining the obligatory professional front when required for her job. She has an anxious aversion to change but insist on a new challenge/hobby at every opportunity! She has a fundamental need to have at least one trip booked at any one time - long weekend in Europe? Great (although she’d prefer three months off work somewhere exciting) She’s unapologetically addicted to trying every possible cuisine on offer in London, has a love of wine bars and a familial connection to pubs which means she’s genetically obliged to enter practically every one she sees. Finally, she’s a crazy cat lady when it comes to her balcony in summer...and for the record, no one has yet died as a result of eating her home grown veggies... She’s a bit of a planner and a doer, but there's nothing she loves more than a lazy Sunday. Had some exciting trips this year to Miami, Dallas, Sri Lanka and Cuba. She has cycled to Paris, trekked the Three Peaks and rowed a marathon in a dragon boat. Her next plans are to learn to drive. Did her first half marathon (not a natural runner!) in January and she’s learning Spanish. She still love’s a few pints in an old man’s pub or an after work wine but she’s probably over big nights out and week day hangovers. Interesting facts; ungodly long tongue, came third in a lovely girls competition (lost out to a man in drag).
Französisch bei Ihr
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Französisch safe
Französisch beidseitig
Geschlechtsverkehr (safe)
AV passiv
Küssen bei Sympathie
Zungenküsse bei Sympathie
Leicht dominante Spiele
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